
Mage Set up

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 4.13


November 22, 2016, 1:13 pm

The set up for a mage class that's all about ranged attack. It's a bit clunky and needs refining but this was my first attempt at combat in UE4. There are a couple of things that don't work in there, more specifically the Spawn wolf event and the 2 broken comments. As this was part of a university assignment, I left them out of the final submission and I haven't looked at it since. Might go back to this in the near future when one of my current jobs end but the main thing to fix would be the level design aspect as that was pretty poor.

Click the button above, it will automatically copy blueprint in your clipboard. Then in Unreal Engine blueprint editor, paste it with ctrl + v

1 comment

  • UnrealZq

    August 23, 2017, 9:00 am

    I think it's amazing,but I want see the project...