Decal - Spherical UV Material Function
- Exposure: public
- UE Version: 4.24
Creates spherical UV's from DDX/Y derivatives. Can be combined with SphereMask for edge fading. Requires this MF_RotateVectorInAngles Use with TextureSampleParamter2D, plugging into the UV input and whilst using DDX and DDY TextureCoord inputs also. Credit "kmskazka" on the RT VFX thread here
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1 comment
Hello! I'd like to try out this function, but I can't find where to get "MF_ROtateVectorInAngles" function. UE4 4.27 does not seem to have it by default, giving me "Unspecified Function" when pasting. Do you mind helping me out?
March 10, 2022, 3:24 pm