Back Versions
January 13, 2023
  1. I have found a more optimal way, I have made it into a function with the input being the enemy blueprint and the text, so now I only need 1 node to show the text.

  2. This is an example of how I am currently spawning the text. I need to find a more optimal way to do it without taking that much space.

  3. This is the part that spawns the text, I just assign the amount to display and that's it.

  4. I have made a way of showing visual scoring feedback by showing the player the amount of points he has won by killing certain enemies. (This is a new blueprint that will be spawned when an enemy dies.)

January 12, 2023
  1. There has been a slight miscalculation on my part, not both remaining enemies are awarded 1000 points, only the last remaining enemy.

  2. I have created 2 nodes that will take the inputs and convert them into what is necessary in order to change the score.

  3. I have made it possible to get the scores from previous runs, get the latest scores and then rearrange them so you can input your own score.

  4. I have made it possible to change the initials of the players as well on the leaderboard

  5. I have iterated upon the save event and I have made it so it can register names as well

  6. I have made an event that saves the high scores onto the device

January 11, 2023
  1. I have made a way to show the scores on the leaderboard

  2. I have made it possible to get the scores, and save them, as well as I have fixed the issue with the Game Instance returning 0. (It was because I wasn't saving before advancing)

  3. I have tried to get the score from the Game Instance for the leaderboard however it simply returns 0 for the score and I don't rely know what might be causing this.

January 9, 2023
  1. I forgot to add this iteration few days ago.
    This is the working part that awards the score besaed on the type of enemy using switches.

January 1, 2023
  1. I have also iterated on the previous death events I have made, now once the player loses all lives it will also update the HighScore.

  2. Previous iteration didn't work, I didn't know what was wrong so I added a string to avoid typos and saved the game at the end, at first it didn't seem to work, but I then realized I'm setting the highscore at the end of the stage, not when I leave.

  3. I have made a way to save the HighScore onto the computer to register it for future runs.

  4. Here I am checking if the player has beaten the HighScore, if he did, then the HighScore will change to be the same as the score.

  5. I have made this because the variables reset when loading a new level, therefore I am saving the score in a game instance and getting it at the beginning of the next stage.

December 30, 2022
  1. First attempt to award points per enemy type. (Mid way I realized I can use a switch instead)

  2. I have added a new input to the event dispatcher which is the enemy state, so I can get if the enemy is small therefore worth less, or escaping which is worth more points

  3. First commit