

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 5.0


January 12, 2023, 3:04 am

Click the button above, it will automatically copy blueprint in your clipboard. Then in Unreal Engine blueprint editor, paste it with ctrl + v
January 12, 2023
  1. I have updated when the Satellite sound is being played, because if you hit the laser it would still register.

  2. I have removed this audioFX from the blueprint and added it to the Level itself, because the audio 99.9% of times would glitch out and stop working.

  3. On the player revive I am also using the space station SFX because they share the exact same.

  4. I ahve started adding sound fx for everything in the game, I will just spawn the 2d sound, as it seems to be the best way at the moment.

  5. First commit
