
First Person Head Movement

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 4.27

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October 31, 2023, 5:27 am

A simple code that adds Camera Shake BPs to make it look like the head of the player is moving. If you are using UE4, the BP is called "MatineeCameraShake" and in UE5 it's called "LegacyCameraShake"

Make sure in the CameraShake BP you check the box that says "Single Instance" to true, if not then it won't work right. There's a Idle, Walk and Sprint Camera Shake in this code.

I didn't add a Jump Camera Shake but if you need help with that then leave a comment and I could help you.

Also make sure to add the Custom Event (Head Movement) into your Event Tick and if you have someing on it then add a Sequence node after the Event Tick then add your code into the Sequence. It should work after that. Customize the Camra Shakes to your liking.

Click the button above, it will automatically copy blueprint in your clipboard. Then in Unreal Engine blueprint editor, paste it with ctrl + v