

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 5.2

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August 18, 2023, 11:21 am

You can make a BP & just place it into your project, but ideally you want this in your Level BP.

*This is more for cinematic work, as games you will want to enable/disable this in the game options.

Note add r.allowHDR = 1 to Render settings in DefaultEngine.ini if you want it permanently on. If you add it by CMD it will reset each time you restart Unreal Engine.

Display Nits = basically HDR setting, so HDR1000 = 1000, HDR300 = 300. HDR10 can do settings from 1-4000 so be very careful.

Click the button above, it will automatically copy blueprint in your clipboard. Then in Unreal Engine blueprint editor, paste it with ctrl + v