
Chunk Loop Macro Library

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 5.1


July 5, 2023, 9:44 am

For use as a loop that runs in chunks.

Example. Use Array Length Input to set the max total loops before a total reset. Use Print String to visualize the loop. Use Chunk Name for use with the print string. Use Chunk Size for setting the size of 1 loop (Set this to 10 and it will loop each time from the lowest number to + 10)

A example of how the loop runs with custom settings. Array Length 50 Chunk Size 10

Loop Starts at 0 then runs is this order. 0 - 9 9-19 19-29 29-39 39-49 Resets

I used this to speed up the updates of RTS Units keeping all unit loops short, resulting in a constant speed of unit updates even for large amounts of units.

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