
Paperboy BP_TrikeKids 210260

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 5.0


January 18, 2023, 3:20 pm

Click the button above, it will automatically copy blueprint in your clipboard. Then in Unreal Engine blueprint editor, paste it with ctrl + v

1 comment

  • TobiyC

    January 18, 2023, 3:37 pm

    The base blueprint used for all the Trike Kids. All but one of the Trike Kids is only activated by Paperboy destroying the property of the house they reside at, namely breaking windows. Rather than make these window hitboxes unique blueprints that activated the correct Trike Kid(s), I went for a rather crude method of having invisible hitboxes in the viewport that align with the window-breaking hitboxes, which is what all the "On Component Begin Overlap" nodes are for, each one corresponds to a breakable object. When a Newspaper touches any of these hitboxes, it activates the Timeline, which simple moves the Trike Kid from point A to point B.

    There is another hitbox, this time laid over the Trike Kid itself, called "NewspaperBox." If a Newspaper hits the Trike Kid, it will trigger the "On Component Begin Overlap (NewspaperBox)" node, which sends out 3 Event Dispatches. The first, "Call TrikeDeath", is received by any other enemies on the house, such as a second Trike Kid, and deletes that actor. This can be seen in the "Delete Self if Paperboy killed by Trike Kid 1" comment, where an Event Dispatch tied to Trike Kid 1 will destroy this actor (Trike Kid 2) upon activation.

    The second Event Dispatch, "Call EnemyScore", is received by BP_RegularScore250, and adds 250 points to the player's score.

    The third Dispatch, "Call TrikeZap", is just the visual aspect, teleporting a 'ZAP' explosion to the Trike Kid's location, which could be in a variety of places thanks to the timeline, then shortly after removes the explosion, leaving behind the Trike Kid's death pose. The actor also destroys itself afterwards.

    "StaticMeshComponent" refers to the Trike Kid itself.