
Snap Cine Camera Actor

  • Exposure: public
  • UE Version: 4.25


August 21, 2020, 9:22 am

This blueprint is meant as a solution to not being able to undo camera actor movements while adjusting them in the editor viewport, particularly while piloting the camera actor. But it also contains methods of storing bookmarks that you can later go back to or pan through the array to find the existing specified view you desire.

NOTICE: You MUST manually add/call the node CacheUndoLocation within the Construction Script. The following Custom Events must have Editor Callable "Call In Editor" checkbox set in the details of the Custom Event: Undo, Redo, Screenshot, Bookmark, RemoveBookmark, SnapToDesiredBookmark and SnapToNextBookmark.

Variable Default Values:

UndoMax: 10. Slider and Value Range: 1 to 100.

ScreenShotResolutionInt: 1. Slider and Value Range: 1 to 3.

BookmarkMax: 10. Slider and Value Range: 1 to 100.

UndesiredBookmark: 1 : 10. Slider and Value Range: 0, blank maximum.

DesiredBookmark: 1 : 10. Slider and Value Range: 0, blank maximum.

CurrentBookmark: 1 : 10. Slider and Value Range: 0, blank maximum.

All variables are instance editable.

Click the button above, it will automatically copy blueprint in your clipboard. Then in Unreal Engine blueprint editor, paste it with ctrl + v
August 21, 2020
  1. Clerical changes. Added description of SnapToNextBookmark button.

  2. Initial