ThirdPersonCharacter(fully setup with multiplay with blueprint plugin only 2)
- Exposure: public
- UE Version: 4.27
fully setup with multiplay with blueprint plugin only 2(edited version)
final project:
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referred plugins: multiplay with blueprint:
prerequisites: I have implemented a best practices matchmaking system with all of my plugins in my aws blueprint plugin playlist. but most of you bought multiplay with blueprint plugin only. and there are some awesome system didn't include in the last multiplay with blueprint plugin only example project.
links in the video:
code in the video:
goals: create a matchmaking example project with multiplay with blueprint plugin only without losing too many systems
warning: the invitation system will always have a delay before the invitation reach its destination.
linux ca file path: manjaro: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt fedora: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
android ca file path: /sdcard/Android/data/com.YourCompany.GameLiftTutorial/files/cacert.pem(replace com.YourCompany.GameLiftTutorial with your android package name under Android project setting pannel.)
addition: input Action: in Lobby: Press "P" on the keyboard to open the invite Userwidget. Press "R" to set the client ready. and then wait for the other players ready to start the matchmaking.And wait for the matchmaking complete, it will transfer you into the game map.
you can play as 1vs1, 2vs2, or 1vs2.
this project will use multiplay with blueprint plugin only
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